Monday, March 28, 2011

What I've Been Reading...

Mississippi Mud: Southern Justice and the Dixie Mafia
Mississippi Mud (Edward Humes): I loved this book. I picked it up while I was at the library with my 18-month old Boomer. The cover looked cool and it looked like it had never been checked out before. (It’s kinda always been a dream of mine to be the first person to check out a certain book.)  It’s a true-crime story about a daughter trying to determine the killer(s) of her parents – a prominent couple in Biloxi, Mississippi.  My only complaint: The book ended.  I did some online research and tried to find inmate photos of the killers, but the Federal institutions apparently don’t post inmate photos.  One of the ringleaders DOES have a Facebook page, but (luckily) he doesn’t have a “send a friend request” button.  Another possible security precaution perhaps? Also, my online research has led me to believe that a movie is perhaps ‘in the works’ as well.

Paint it Black
Paint it Black (Janet Fitch): Again, picked it up while Boomer was with. I really loved her previous book “White Oleander” so I thought I’d like this one as well. I didn’t. I returned it before I finished it. I have an inkling of what was actually painted black, but I have no confirmation. I am fine with this. This story is about a chick and her boyfriend, whom commits suicide. They are artsy people. He comes from money, she does not. I couldn’t read this because there was sooooooo much description and narration. I have determined that I am a dialogue reader. I don’t care much for knowing that the roses didn’t smell like flowers, but rather a spicy mulled wine.

Bright Shiny Morning [BRIGHT SHINY MORNING       11D]
Bright, Shiny, Morning (James Frey): I’m a huge fan of James. This book was basically a romance novel with the city of Los Angeles, and I was pretty cool with that. During the course of reading this book, I was having a work lunch at Ruby Tuesdays. I leaned over to my co-worker visiting from India and said “I can’t stop looking at that waiter. He looks like a guy from this book I’ve been reading.” Yep, I got some weird looks, but I love when books start to consume me. That’s what this book did. (Confession: there were a couple chapters that were too narrate-y for me and I did skip over them. Ex: a history / evolution of the LA freeway system did not hold my attention)

Daffodil (Emily Jenkins): Brynn and I both loved this book. Jeremy hated it. I’m going to buy it. It was a sad day when it was returned to the library. This story is about a group of triplet girls and their party dresses.
Booming Bella

Booming Bella (Carol Ann Williams): Another super cute story! Bella has a loud voice and she needs to learn when it’s okay to use it...

Miss Nelson Is Back (Reading Rainbow)
Miss Nelson is Back (James Marshall): I read this story when I was younger, and now whenever I substitute teach for Brynn’s Sunday school class – she calls me “Viola Swamp.”

So that's it -- that's what I've been up to. I'm currently out of books at home, and need to get back to the library!

(shameful admittance: I have read one more book. It doesn't deserve to be at the top of the post, but I'll sneak it in here.)

Sliding Into Home

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Book recs. And guess what shameful book I read recently - Guiliana & Bill's marriage book! YES! Hanging head now.
