Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Just so you know…

I am a friendly person, but I don’t make friends very easily.

This is even more apparent in my adult years – if I want to “go out” my options are typically limited to inviting either my mother or my husband to go with me.

And you know who I go to Bon Jovi concerts with?? Yep, my mom.

But this all started changing about two years ago when I started my current job.

The job that I am leaving in a few short weeks (wish it was days).

I feel very proud that I can now say that I have two great friends.

Two great sisters.

I don’t know what I’m going to do without them sitting two inches away from me for 9 hours (eh, who are we kidding, 7.5 hours) a day?

I really love them and feel bad for breaking up our dysfunctional work family, but I know that we are like a real family.

Because they will never be free of me.


I promise.

I know where they live.


  1. Ahh, I'm going to miss you, you crazy Obama, Avatar, Bon Jovi, Chex Mix, gas station Carl, Double D lover!!!

  2. Jalapeno chex mix to be more specific! and let's not forget Acapulco, goofy socks, sharpie markers and bed warmers! I'm especially going to miss the daily JP quotes and cold calls for cheeto price discrepancies with RRS. We will all have to meet at Acapulco for a monthly lunch outing.Good luck with the new gig!
