Monday, February 14, 2011

I Wanted to Bottle This!

It was so loverly on Saturday afternoon (around 35 degrees I dare say), that I ordered the kids to get bundled up -- we were going outside!  Brandon has never really walked in snow before, so this was quite the experience for him.  We encountered a siberian husky (not pictured) that Brynn swore was a wolf, and that Brandon was sure was his new best friend.  The owner very kindly let my kiddies pet him and then we continued on our little winter walk.

We rounded the corner and crossed the street to play at a "North Dakota Amusement Park" (which to the untrained eye just looks like a snow covered playground.)

Yes Brynn -- I will seriously let you go and play.

Brandon doesn't go anywhere without his Puppy. 

She was so excited that we were at the park!

I had to document that the puppy was abandoned so that he could go and play. It really was unbelievable.

Brynn kept wanting me to push her on the swings -- but do you see the ruts?? I had to bend over and try not to fall into them when attempting to push her. It was my workout for the day.

Where's she going??

Freedom Run in Fargo

Mom, What is on my hands??

Oh.. Snow!

Can we get it off now?

My absolute favorite thing that Brandon has started to do.

Puddle-jumpin' fun with Brynn, Brandon, and Rufus the Puppy.

We returned home and had a fun night with a disatrous crock-pot creation.  Brandon was so enamored with his boots that he insisted upon wearing them with his pajamas. Brynn and I read "A Bad Case of the Stripes" about a bajillion zillion times and then we had our traditioinal Saturday night sleepover in my room. 

I wanted to share this because this was my favorite day in a long, long time.


  1. What a great day! Looks like beautiful weather out there :-) Those ruts look crazy! I hope you didn't sustain any lingering affects from the swings. What school are you guys at? I keep trying to recognize it, but no dice.

    Wahoo for 35 degrees in February!

  2. We're at Lewis & Clark! We live 1/2 a block from there, so it'll be great when Brynn starts kindergarten next Fall (sniffle sniffle)

  3. Gotcha! Well, at least you should be able to stand on your front steps when she insists on walking by herself. That way you can cry and she won't be able to tell.

    Our forecast today is 51 (with clouds, rain & fog) but I am being a rebel and left me coat in the car :-)
