Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Let's Tally it Up...

My coworker's have just reminded me of last year's list of resolutions/goals. Let's see how I did:

1) The traditional "lose weight" goal is here. I have gained weight and it is time for it to leave. I have yet to formulate an actual plan to lose weight however. (sigh). (subgoal: come up with a plan to lose weight, other than wishing it away. apparently eating tator tots for dinner does not work)

RESULT: FAIL. I haven't weighed myself, but I'm guessing I have not lost weight. I'm still wearing the same clothes as last year.

2) Clean out all closets and get rid of all non-fitting clothes and all clothes that were purchased prior to 2000. ( subgoal: include Jeremy's clothes as well... even though he still thinks it's classy to wear high-school wrestling t-shirts.)

RESULT: SUCCESS. I am fairly diligent at cleaning out my clothes, as well as the kids' clothes. I did not achieve the subgoal of Jeremy's closet -- but I will consider this bullet item a success!

3) Make 5 new Betty Crocker cookie recipes. (subgoal: find out why her cookbook spells it "cooky")

RESULT: FAIL -- but a possible success in the regard that since I didn't make them, I didn't eat them! So...yeah...I would like to know why she spells it "Cooky" though. Maybe I'll include that on next year's list.

4) Go on a family "vacation." Possible locales: Storybook Land in SD, Minneapolis (i needs me some IKEA and Outlet Mall..and friends, i miss my friends), or KS to see my dad/s-mommy.

RESULT: SUCCESS!  We went to Bismarck in July AND Kansas City in October. (PLUS Jeremy and I went on 2 trips by ourselves!)

5) Get a massage. So far this list is a lot of work.

RESULT: SUCCESS!! Sister Rosalind's had a $15 sale for the graduating students to get enough practice hours in. I let them practice on me. Mu-ha-ha-ha.

6) Formulate a non-halfass business plan for law office. I keep dreaming about opening my own firm, but i need to do something about it other than nothing. (which i have perfected) i need to find out if it is something that i could do, reasonably.

RESULT: EH... DEBATABLE. I attended a 6 hour training on formulating business plans, I have determined how much money I need to bill/generate per month in order to maintain our current level of living, and I have an offer of employment.  Thus far, I am chicken. I may be keeping my business plan half-ass in order to avoid having to make the scary leap into self-employment land.
7) Have (at-least) one date with Jeremy / month.

RESULT: SUCCESS! We go on a lot of lunch dates and have on occassion left the kids with a grandma to go out to eat, see a movie, etc.  We often just talk about the kids and when we're going to go pick them up.

8) Bake a cake from scratch.

RESULT: SUCCESS! (kind-of).  I made tres leches cupcakes and the recipe called for a white cake mix plus a bunch of other ingredients, so I consider this a success. The cupcakes were delicious. The Mexican I baked them for even approved.

9) Landscape front yard... This does not have to be a full-scale landscape, but at the very least it has to be enough to keep stupid neighbor (aka "boatman") from parking his damn boat 1 foot from my bedroom window. he may think it's okay to park on my grass, but it will not be okay to park on my bricks, woodchips, flowers..etc. (subgoal: perfect evil laugh for when boatman sees landscaping and realizes his damn boat cannot be 1 foot from my bedroom window anymore)

RESULT: SUCCESS!! I am very glad I put in the caveat "this does not have to be a full-scale landscape" because it wasn't.  We had an enormous evergreen removed and were left with an even larger dirt patch.  Dirt was brought in to fill the hole, and grass was seeded.  The boat was moved. We couldn't be happier.

10) Update kitchen -- new floor or new paint. something. less fur tumbleweeds from cat.

RESULT: FAIL.  The kitchen hasn't been touched.  I have renewed dreams to get new countertops and an undermounted sink after reading this though. Maybe 2011 will be my year!

11) Start college funds for the kids. I am able to do this online so i just need to get my head outta my arse.

RESULT: SUCCESS. The kids each have a North Dakota 529 plan that we contribute to each month (automatically deducted thankyouverymuch).

12) Let people know when they make me happy. i don't think i'm a mean person, but i don't think i always communicate my positive feelings all the time.

RESULT: SUCCESS -- mostly.  I have done my best to let my family know when I am content, and they think I'm nuts.  "Oh, mommy's getting weird again" is usually the response I get when I start to blurt out stuff like "I am so happy that you are all here. I really love you guys."  I try to call my husband and let him know when I'm thinking about him, because usually, when he walks in the door at night I shove a kid at him and tell him to stay out of the kitchen while I'm cooking...or some other similarly affectionate line.

13) Grow a garden this summer. (subgoal: water the garden regularly)

RESULT: SUCCESS. If you live in Fargo, I'm sure you got a bag, or two, or 20 of my garden crops. It was a huge success, and next year it will be tamed down.

14) Catch up on scrapbooking. (while fun, this is actually daunting since i haven't scrapbooked since Brynn was born)

RESULT: FAIL. I didn't scrapbook a single thing. This still bothers me.

15) Set up extra bedroom. (which is currently a toy/moving box dumping ground...with no bed or furniture other than buried treadmill, which could help me with #1. this list is oddly cyclical
RESULT: EH...FAIL.  This one is tricky. The extra bedroom is now an organized toy dumping ground.  My original intent was to have this room actually function as an extra bedroom, and it is not, so it is a fail.
9/14* SUCCESS!! (or 64%)
5/14* FAIL (or 36%)
(*I have calculated based on 14, rather than 15, because I cannot determine if #6 is yay or nay.)
Coming Soon: My list of crap to complete in 2011.

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