Thursday, January 7, 2010

it's time! it really is.

new year's resolutions are silly. new year's "to-do" lists on the other hand are smart and right up my alley. i have been working on this list for weeks in my head and now it is time to commit.

1) The traditional "lose weight" goal is here. I have gained weight and it is time for it to leave. I have yet to formulate an actual plan to lose weight however. (sigh). (subgoal: come up with a plan to lose weight, other than wishing it away. apparently eating tator tots for dinner does not work)

2) Clean out all closets and get rid of all non-fitting clothes and all clothes that were purchased prior to 2000. ( subgoal: include Jeremy's clothes as well... even though he still thinks it's classy to wear high-school wrestling t-shirts.)

3) Make 5 new Betty Crocker cookie recipes. (subgoal: find out why her cookbook spells it "cooky")

4) Go on a family "vacation." Possible locales: Storybook Land in SD, Minneapolis (i needs me some IKEA and Outlet Mall..and friends, i miss my friends), or KS to see my dad/s-mommy.

5) Get a massage. So far this list is a lot of work.

6) Formulate a non-halfass business plan for law office. I keep dreaming about opening my own firm, but i need to do something about it other than nothing. (which i have perfected) i need to find out if it is something that i could do, reasonably.

7) Have (at-least) one date with Jeremy / month.

8) Bake a cake from scratch.

9) Landscape front yard... This does not have to be a full-scale landscape, but at the very least it has to be enough to keep stupid neighbor (aka "boatman") from parking his damn boat 1 foot from my bedroom window. he may think it's okay to park on my grass, but it will not be okay to park on my bricks, woodchips, flowers..etc. (subgoal: perfect evil laugh for when boatman sees landscaping and realizes his damn boat cannot be 1 foot from my bedroom window anymore)

10) Update kitchen -- new floor or new paint. something. less fur tumbleweeds from cat.

11) Start college funds for the kids. I am able to do this online so i just need to get my head outta my arse.

12) Let people know when they make me happy. i don't think i'm a mean person, but i don't think i always communicate my positive feelings all the time.

13) Grow a garden this summer. (subgoal: water the garden regularly)

14) Catch up on scrapbooking. (while fun, this is actually daunting since i haven't scrapbooked since Brynn was born)

15) Set up extra bedroom. (which is currently a toy/moving box dumping ground...with no bed or furniture other than buried treadmill, which could help me with #1. this list is oddly cyclical)

That's my list. That's what i've come up with.

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