Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Photojournalism by a 4 1/2 Year old (Part II)

As you may recall, Brynn's previous photography spread focused largely on posteriors (right? that's the polite way to say "Butts" isn't it?). You can find her skills here: Part I.  Here is her second installment - which focuses largely on MY messy, cluttered bedroom:

The only windows in our bedroom are side-by-side corners. We can look out them and see our neighbor's car.

The classy "lamp as a hanging device" that I created.

Nope, that's not a nipple. That's my light fixture.

A lovely angle...

This is my messy bedside table.

This is my pillow..adjacent to the messy bedside table.

It IS a comfy pillow.

I think my girl has a career mapped out for her!! And.. it's not photography.

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