Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Before I Forget.

I knew you were you before anybody else did.  Your daddy got upset with me for buying you all sorts of clothes and cute outfits.  He said "what if it's a girl??" I told him it wasn't. I didn't know your name yet, but I knew it was you.

I had a whole bunch of different names for you. For a couple days you were Thijs (Tice), but a wise person commented that people might think your name was "Thighs," and that just wouldn't be cool.  I tried to convince your dad that your name was Roman... but he didn't agree.  I then tried to convince him that your name was Carson, but he didn't agree with that either... He said your name was Brandon, and he was right.

When you were a fresh itty bitty baby, you stayed home with me.  We'd nap together and sleep together every night. During the day we'd watch lots of realty tv shows and do lots of cuddling.  I'm happy that you sleep in your own room now, but I sure treasure our little cuddles and kisses whenever I can get them.

You are such a sweet, sensitive little boy right now.  You definitely get hurt feelings if somebody uses a harsh tone with you (but, dear monkey, if you'd stop throwing stuff in the toilet, we wouldn't have to use those tones) and you quickly burst into your crocodile tears with your pouty lips, and come running for a hug.  I'm sorry to say, but your daddy and I really think that this is hilarious.

You are taking after your sister, and are talking up a storm. However, since most of your favorite words start with a "B" they all kind of sound the same. Bread, Ball, Bath, Book.  You get super excited for bath time and as soon as we say "Ready for a bath?" you go tearing down the hallway and try to get in the tub.  We always remind you that you have to take off your clothes first, but that doesn't seem to matter much to you.

So, my baby monkey, I love you.  You (and your princess sister) are the only presents I need and want under the Christmas tree this year.

1 comment:

  1. And what beautiful presents you have! This is so sweet. :) Love it!
