Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Photojournalism By a 4-Year Old....

My 4 year old LOVES taking pictures, and rarely she gets something good.  Here are some shots of things important enough for her to take pictures of: 
Oooh! The baby and I are color-coordinated.  Do you like my classy red shirt and pink pj pants? I bet you do.
I bet you think that this picture was taken around Christmastime because we have evergreen trees on our entertainment center. You'd be wrong. They are STILL up there and it's going to be August this weekend. I figure we better just leave them up there...
Guess who??
I'll give you one more chance to guess ...
Yep, more butts.
These are Jeremy's new shoes. I had to seriously talk him in to them because they are so "wild" (i am not joking)  I'm glad Brynn captured them for posterity.
A little blanket book time...
Babies need a LOT of crap to go to the Lake for 18 hours.
Proof that we do occasionally feed the cat.

The Princess' crown.
The End.

1 comment:

  1. Laughing SO hard right now... does it frighten you that the things Brynn finds intriguing are, um, mostly shabootays? Awesome! I'm anxiously awaiting the coffee table publication of "Brynn's Butts: A Retrospective."
