Friday, June 18, 2010

GSD: Day Stupid 6

**Warning** Major Relapse Ahead.

Preamble/Justification: Brandon has had a fever since midnight on Wednesday. We originally just thought it was teething issues and gave him ibuprofen. The fever went away, he woke up chipper. We thought the crisis was averted… until we got a call from daycare on Wednesday afternoon letting us know the fever was back, and it was 102. So, today, lovely Thursday, the Husband had to stay home with the bubby because the fever was still raging*. I had a mandatory attendance conference (the kind I have to go to if I want to keep my law license in tact with enough education hours) and would not be available all day.

We had no milk.

We had no caffeine.


So, prior to my conference, I went to the grocery store with Brynn and we picked up the following: Milk, Cereal, Mountain Dew, and… 2 packages of donut balls for Brynn to bring to daycare to share with her friends. The last item was pure frivolity, but …eh.

So, here it goes:
Breakfast: Donut-balls for Brynn. Cereal for Jeremy. I ate a string cheese and a diet Cherry Coke at my seminar.

Lunch: I had intended upon going home and checking in with the bubby and the hubby, but my seminar attendees decided that we should keep on forging through lunch (and take no bathroom breaks – boot camp style), so I quickly ran to Erbs n’ Gerbs and got a sub. (sidenote: I tried the new “Cally” sub. It’s a vegetarian sub with sweet-chili sauce and red peppers. I think I like the traditional veggie “Jacob Bluefinger” better).

Supper: I broke rank AGAIN today and went to the store and bought a steak for husband to grill for supper. He said it sounded delicious and he was home with a feverish baby all day. It had to be done. I additionally made some smashed potatoes with chives cut fresh from our garden. Brynn loved the “chicken” and kept asking for more even though we kept telling her it wasn't chicken.

Snack: I oinkishly finished the Princess Teddy Grahams… with a Mountain Dew while I obsessively kept reading The Time Traveller's Wife as this has been on my to-do list since TelegaWoman was all psycho over it in a post months ago.

* Jeremy took Brandon in to see Dr. Love (who I'm sure was relieved to see Husband rather than this psycho-mom) and diagnosed him with a very typical case of "Roseola" and said that the fever should break soon and the non-contagious body rash would soon appear. YIPPEE!!


  1. Seriously funny! I am not a person who loves the grocery store, (I find that I am more and more like Mary all the time) and, in fact, I avoid it as much as possible. Anyway, you and my sissy crack me up! Good experiment though, and fun to read about. I also recently tried the Cally at Erb's and Gerb's and agree that the Jacob Bluefinger is way better!
    Can't wait to hear what you think about the book...I also liked it, but not with the sense of undying love as some others that will remain nameless. (Umm...Telegawoman!)
    Let me know if you'll be in town around the 4th...perhaps we can have a patriotic martini!
    PS>I totally had to go back and take out some of the exclamation points...I was using WAAAY to many in the REALLY long comment!!!!!

  2. Tee hee! I read this post and got to the part about TTTW, and before I even finished reading the sentence I was all, "OMG! I totally love that book!" Do you LOVE it? hummmmm, I think I might need to read that again!
