Monday, June 28, 2010

GSD Conclusion and Randomness

Yeah... so I forgot to blog about Day 7 of the detox --- as I recall, I was back at the store for something, but can't remember what.... All I can recall was a general level of disgust and the thankfulness that I was all done.

I have become more mindful, however, of what I am purchasing while I am there. I do believe, minus any valid statistical evidence, that I have cut back expenditures and have become slightly more restrained. Yippee!!

I concluded reading "that book" and my mind has almost returned to "normal." For several days after concluding it, I could NOT stop thinking about time travel. I'd see a lone glove or a random shoe on the sidewalk or street and think "Hmpfh. I wonder where that person is time-travelling to. I hope that they are in a pretty field with Clare*" And then, I'd immediately get sad thinking about my child being a time-traveller and how scary and lonely that must have been at 5 years old.... Thank goodness for a reasonable subconscious, because at this point in my pontificating I would remind myself that this is ONLY a book AND a confusing movie.

I'm blogged out. I shall open the next post up to reader questions. If there are no questions, then I shall simply tally up the contents of my purse.

(*For the devotees out there, I DO understand that this would mean that the person was ONLY wearing that glove or that shoe prior to the time travel)

1 comment:

  1. Did you watch the movie? I hated it. HA.TED.IT.

    Here are some questions: What are other books that you have read and loved? What is your engagement story? What is the farthest from home you have ever been?
