Monday, June 7, 2010

The Freak-Out Update.

I’ve been away because I’ve been freaking out.

The calm has subsided, and the Tums have been returned to the medicine cabinet.

Brynn’s room has been painted. As I started to paint it, I was horrified. It looked like Amoxicilin. After it was done, it looked like a Victoria’s Secret box. The middle part was torture and involved crying children, day trips to the lake, sick husbands, and klutzy husbands. (he held me up on two different days, so he has to be accounted for twice.) The final product, Victoria’s Secret box aside, is rather cute and charming. Brynn loves it. If my computer wasn’t on the fritz I’d download pics to show you….

We also have 1 birthday party under our belt. I started rocking back and forth at my desk last week chanting like RainMan over how much I had to do to get everything ready – luckily my coworkers reminded me that there are these cool places called “grocery stores” that can make and sell you cupcakes! Yeah!! So, I gave up the dream of making the cupcakes and called one of these neato establishments. Thus began the “Great Birthday Party Delegation of 2010”!! Anybody who asked “Can I Help?” (and a couple who didn’t) were given tasks.

All of the kiddies showed up on Saturday for the party (and my dad even remembered to come back from the golf course for it) and they had a great time…. I think… I had a long list of games to play and had the “prizes” laid out all carnival style, but after about 15 minutes the kids were all looking longingly at the trampoline and swingset in our backyard. I asked the kids if they wanted to play games or go play – they all chose to go play!!! WHEW! and OMG!! all wrapped up into one (Read: All my planning was for naught) I kept waiting for the kids to smack their heads ‘Gallagher-watermelon style’ on the trampoline and praise Allah, Jesus, and Mohammed that they did NOT.

So, her actual birthday is on Wednesday – and this is the one where I’m going to “host” dinner for 10 adults. I’m taking TelegaWoman’s advice and we’re doing a TacoBar… and come hades or high water, I WILL be making cupcakes for this party.

BUT, I may call one of those “computer repair places” that I’ve also been told about so I can post some pics….

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