Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesday Schmoozeday

I had meetings galore at work today. The "team" I work on has hired 2 new "team members" and they live in Leon, Mexico and Mumbai, India. The lucky folks are in Fargo for training for approximately 1 week -- which meant I had to be on my best behavior today and attend meetings galore. So, here's what my morning looked like:

And then we took the new team members out to lunch. It may look healthy, but it's not. There are no vegetables, only colored noodles and lots and lots of cheese. With lots and lots of alfredo-y sauce. It really is one of the best meals I have EVER had -- I was totally going to go moderately healthy with the Butternut Squash soup and a side-salad, but one of the new team members asked what I would recommend so of course I was all "5 Cheese Tortellini"....so she decided to order that and then the pre-emptive food envy got the better of me and food-agression Kim won out. (sigh)
And this is what my afternoon looked like.

This is what my beauty looked like when I picked her up from Daycare. (this had just occurred and the provider was on her way to wipe her up and I stopped her and said "WAIT!! Let me take a picture first!" I can safely say that I got a strange look...)

As soon as we got home, Brynn ran outside to check on her worms. They were gone (Jeremy "replanted" them last night) and she started crying. I told her to find some more. By the way, this is my anticipated garden aka Huge Freakin' Weedy Dirt Patch. I might need some more plants, eh?

After Brynn located some more worms (they're hanging in the red cup), the sibs had some outside time. It didn't last long.... but this picture is so sweet. Let's just look at this for a bit longer.

Brando fell over and his head touched the grass. He doesn't like grass.

He doesn't like it when he's on his tummy either. What a baby!

After we convinced Brynn that she needed to eat her supper (and she shockingly ate it), I took her to the park. I took some pretty depressing shots of her before this one, but didn't post them. (They might appear on Sunday's Blooper Reel.) She was having issues because the girl with the aqua shorts and classy leg tattoo wasn't playing with her -- after that situation was remedied she was happy again.

My supper (eaten at approximately 9pm) consisted of left over white rice and a bowl of ice cream.
I'm also trying to watch "Duplicity" and I think I actually like this movie, so it's a pity that I'm not actually paying attention. However, I have quite surpassed my self-imposed Netflix return timeframe, so it must be sent back tomorrow.
Tuesday, Out.

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