Wednesday, April 28, 2010

TGI Non-Humping Hump Day

So Baby Boomer slept in until 3am today! Thank you Baby Boomer. However, when I picked him up he was all wet. Let me take this opportunity to say that I do not like Huggies diapers. I regret cashing in that blasted $2.00 off coupon, and I regret buying 2 jumbo packs in order to get the $5 target gift certificate. Blah. I love Pampers, always have, always will and I love them even more because they keep all the nighttime pee in there so I don't have to change the diaper at 3am.... is this gross of me? Well, I don't care. Brynn had a bad morning. She cried so she lost her "Prize Bucket" surprise. So then she cried about that. So then she lost her Bon Jovi song in the car. So then she cried in the car when she realized I wasn't going to play even "just a little bit of Jon, Mommy! I need just a little bit." So then she cried because I had the radio on and wouldn't turn it off. And then she refused to get out of the car at daycare. And then she cried at daycare because she wanted to sit by her brother (but her brother was in a highchair eating).... OMG it didn't end.
My morning was meetings and meetings and meetings. I did however have a mid-morning brunch with a bit of FB action. (Thank you gas station across the street from work, and thank you co-worker for needing a salt-fix.)

Today was garbage day in the neighborhood. I've never realized that the trees on the East side of the street have leaves and the West side doesn't. (Must be because we live on the West syyyyeeeedddd!! Word.)

Mmmm! Supper! Bowls are much yummier than Gnocchi and Chicken. This is actually Boomer's 2nd meal. His first meal was Rice Cereal with Applesauce & Cherries. That ended in a crying fit.

Brynn quite enjoyed her supper tonight. And yes, she came home from dc with more greasy stuff on her face, and yes, it was still not wiped off her face at supper time. I've recently discovered Gnocchi and I have to say that it is a great family favorite. Boomy eats it plain, but I put butter and garlic salt on it for everybody else. Let me give a shout out to the Husband for holding up the cup of worms that had to watch Brynn eat her supper. (We have a backyard of very demanding worms.)

I'm not ready to talk about this picture yet.... Husband HAD to buy a TV and it HAD to be tonight.

So that's it! That's today. I'm being invited to watch a movie downstairs right now. I've just finished my classy juice glass of wine, and the kids are at least pretending to be sleeping. Yippee! (and I returned 'Duplicity' today even though it pained me to do so. I fell asleep before it was over and woke up during the credits.)
See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Yes it is hump day for your sexy blonde haired daughter's butthole
