Monday, February 6, 2012

Holy *&^! Where have I been??

Apparently I haven't blogged since September, and based upon the fact that nobody has come looking for me..... well, I'll just attribute that to the fact that "HOLY &^%$ things got mighty busy this Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas-New Year's-Almost V-Day Season....

I've become pretty occupied at work, the transition back to attorney-land has been sucessful. There are many days that I have to remind myself that I'm not really an attorney, I am a severely underpaid actor. I am still scared silly to have to go to court, but I have to be all Julianna Marguiles and pretend that I know what the eff I'm doing, and that I like what I'm doing, and that the Judge and the other attorney don't rattle me. I am paid to know all the answers, or at least pretend that I know them and that the other people are all wrong. It's been a change from spending my days on FB all day and playing mindless, but fun, games.

When I started this blog, I did so with the intention of keeping friends up to date on my life, my kids - but also to keep a running diary for my kids so they could someday see all the craziness we put up with and love that we have for them.  In order to keep that goal alive (since I am almost 6 years behind in scrapbooking), here are some pics:


Brynn the Unicorn, channeling Elvis.

My baby dragon.

Still not sure what my mother was dressed up as. A fortune teller? A pirate? A gypsy?


 The cutest cheerleader ever :)

JP and I took a couple hours off of work and helped Brynnie make her house! It was so much fun - even more fun is making faces when your mom is trying to take 100 photos of you...

 The finished house!

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking the other day that I should post something on Facebook about missing your blog! Welcome back!
