Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Something’s Missing… Like my Brain.

I have been incredibly mean and crabby lately.

I blame it on my children. How dare they get sick! Little twerps.

I also blame it on the weather. Who can possibly be nice when the high temp for the day is -5?

It started last week with baby Boomer. He had a low grade temp that turned into something more on Saturday. Long story short, the 18 month old had strep throat. After his first dose of the pink stuff, the fever was gone, and he got a bit more chipper.

On Sunday, it was so cold. I think I would have sold my arm to make the sun shine a bit brighter and hotter that day.

Boomer woke up twice in the night. The second time, at 3:30am, he got pissed off that I wouldn’t read him the same book 3 times. I put him back to bed with the book and told him to read it to himself.

Monday was back to the routine and kids to daycare. Brynn was complaining about a sore throat and not feeling well. I couldn’t tell if she was having sympathy pains for her brother, or if there was a legitimate reason to have more parental worries. Well, it’s now Wednesday and she’s still fine. (“Fine” defined as runny nose and sporadic cough.)

I began to research kindergarten registration for Brynn and had a mild panic attack.

Boomer came home on Monday with pants chock full of nastiness. Oh great, the amoxicillin runs have now hit the house!!

It was so cold on Monday that I would have sold my other arm for a bit of warmth.

Monday night, Boomer slept like a champion. Brynn did not.

Tuesday morning, Boomer woke up with his entire lower half covered in shit. I would seriously hope that if something like this happened to me in my sleep, that I would wake up… but, uh, thanks for letting me get some sleep Boomy.

An attempt at a bath soon followed. The poo-covered baby just wanted to hold me and grab me.
Tuesday night, I made a call to the Dr. because Boomer’s baby peter was now so rashy that he didn’t want to sit down at all. I went to the store to buy all the suggested over-the-counter remedies offered. Boomer cried off and on until bedtime. He woke up at 3:30 am, cried for 3 minutes, and went back to bed. In retrospect, I should have gotten up. Brynn woke me up at 12:30 and 1:30… and I didn’t crawl back to my bed until 3 am, so laziness had kicked in.

Tuesday it was so cold that I would have sold my husband's right leg. (It just seems right that he should have to lose body parts also).
Wednesday morning, Boomer woke up covered in more shit, and puke this time (I attribute the puke to phlegm from cold symptoms and am not concerned about this event). He cried for 1.25 hours and refused to sit down. As soon as I put him in the car for daycare, he got giggly and smiley. (He loves daycare.) I called the Dr and said “Seriously. Help.” So now we have the medicated booty-paste that should help him a bit more. Switching antibiotics is apparently out of the question, but they did reduce the length he needs to stay on it.

So, do you see what I’ve been going through?? Relatively nothing. Kids get sick – it’s normal. They aren’t seriously ill – I know people with kids who ARE seriously ill AND in the hospital. I live in North Dakota – the weather sucks. If I don’t like it, I should move.

But I can’t get my head out of this funk.

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