Thursday, December 23, 2010

Just So You Know...

Dear Princess Tator Tot,

I wanted you SO SO bad, and was so incredibly excited when I learned that you were going to be part of our family.  I had no idea how much work babies were, but I knew that we'd get along just fine. And, we generally do...we actually get into a lot of trouble together.

I wanted to name you Bailey, and your daddy went along with it for awhile.  We even told everybody that was going to be your name!  But, your daddy changed  his mind and put his foot down (as you've learned he sometimes does) and said that we were naming you Brynn.  I'm glad that he did, because, he was right. Your name is supposed to be Brynn.

When you were born though... daddy didn't call you Brynn.  He called you IttyBitty.  He called you this for a LONG time.

I get a bit sad sometimes when I see how big you are growing. Last night you called me a Turd Butt and a Poopy Head.  (sigh).  I understand that this is all part of growing up, and I get it.  I just hope that you continue to want me to cuddle you and hug you.  You are so incredibly wonderful, smart, and funny.  You are so caring and concerned about other people and I am constantly in awe of how you "get it" at such a young age. This year you helped me buy Christmas presents for kids who wouldn't normally be getting presents, and I loved that you were so excited about it.

You continue to wear primarily only dresses, and pink ones at that.  You occassionally mix it up with a pair of sparkly silver pants and a non-pink rhinestone studded shirt... I think I like the pink dresses more, my silly girl. I also admire your stamina to grow your hair to your booty.  (Good luck with that girl. I could never do it.)

So, what I want to say to you this Christmas Season (and every day from here to eternity) is this: You (and your stinky brother) are my absolute everything. I love you more than the world, and nothing will ever change that. I want you to keep your stubborn nature and your desire to negotiate everything.  I want you to stay assertive, and I want you to kick the world's ass in the future and chase all of your dreams. You deserve it.

Who wouldn't love a girl that insisted upon wearing socks and tennis shoes to the lake?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Before I Forget.

I knew you were you before anybody else did.  Your daddy got upset with me for buying you all sorts of clothes and cute outfits.  He said "what if it's a girl??" I told him it wasn't. I didn't know your name yet, but I knew it was you.

I had a whole bunch of different names for you. For a couple days you were Thijs (Tice), but a wise person commented that people might think your name was "Thighs," and that just wouldn't be cool.  I tried to convince your dad that your name was Roman... but he didn't agree.  I then tried to convince him that your name was Carson, but he didn't agree with that either... He said your name was Brandon, and he was right.

When you were a fresh itty bitty baby, you stayed home with me.  We'd nap together and sleep together every night. During the day we'd watch lots of realty tv shows and do lots of cuddling.  I'm happy that you sleep in your own room now, but I sure treasure our little cuddles and kisses whenever I can get them.

You are such a sweet, sensitive little boy right now.  You definitely get hurt feelings if somebody uses a harsh tone with you (but, dear monkey, if you'd stop throwing stuff in the toilet, we wouldn't have to use those tones) and you quickly burst into your crocodile tears with your pouty lips, and come running for a hug.  I'm sorry to say, but your daddy and I really think that this is hilarious.

You are taking after your sister, and are talking up a storm. However, since most of your favorite words start with a "B" they all kind of sound the same. Bread, Ball, Bath, Book.  You get super excited for bath time and as soon as we say "Ready for a bath?" you go tearing down the hallway and try to get in the tub.  We always remind you that you have to take off your clothes first, but that doesn't seem to matter much to you.

So, my baby monkey, I love you.  You (and your princess sister) are the only presents I need and want under the Christmas tree this year.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Photojournalism by a 4 1/2 Year old (Part II)

As you may recall, Brynn's previous photography spread focused largely on posteriors (right? that's the polite way to say "Butts" isn't it?). You can find her skills here: Part I.  Here is her second installment - which focuses largely on MY messy, cluttered bedroom:

The only windows in our bedroom are side-by-side corners. We can look out them and see our neighbor's car.

The classy "lamp as a hanging device" that I created.

Nope, that's not a nipple. That's my light fixture.

A lovely angle...

This is my messy bedside table.

This is my pillow..adjacent to the messy bedside table.

It IS a comfy pillow.

I think my girl has a career mapped out for her!! And.. it's not photography.